Dental insurance is not completely the same as Medical insurance. There are lots of patients that are not aware of what they will get from dental insurance. Your dental benefits are reliant on the written and verbal agreement with your employer and the insurance company. It is important to take note of the insurance benefit booklet and be aware of its contents at all times. This will ensure that you will have an in-depth knowledge of the benefits that are included in the insurance policy. The part of the patient payment that is included in the procedures is reliant on your employer’s agreed coverage.
An approximate amount that is included in the insurance policy will be handed out to you during your treatment. The data that the insurance company will provide us is our primary basis. However, it is not an assurance that the estimate is the final amount that will be paid as well as the benefits. We are the ones to file the insurance claims as a gesture of appreciation to our patients. But, the financial obligations of the patients remain intact meaning being completely dependent on the insurance company is not encouraged.
It will all come down to how much the insurance company is willing to pay based on their computations. Having said so, you may pay the difference or be credited if you paid in excess. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding our financial policies or options before getting the necessary treatment that you need.